Updated On : Sep-10,2020 Time Investment : ~20 mins

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

When performing exploratory data analysis, it’s quite common to analyze data from various angles to understand it better. Various data visualization libraries will need to generate different charts of the same type if need to analyze different attributes of data using the same chart. Fortunately, python has a library called ipywidgets which lets us include widgets like dropdown, slider, button, etc into our code and lets us link these widgets with charts to dynamically change charts. This will result in utilizing the same chart to analyze data using different attributes. We'll be explaining how to link these ipywidgets widgets with the bqplot chart as a part of this tutorial. We'll explain how we can introduce widgets along with the chart which gives us the flexibility to analyze data from a different perspective.

We have already covered various tutorials on bqplot. If you are interested in learning in-depth about bqplot then we suggest that you go through those tutorials:

We have even covered a detailed tutorial on ipywidgets as well. Please feel free to check it out if you interested in learning about it in detail:

We'll start by importing necessary libraries.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import bqplot.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets

Load Datasets

We'll be using the IRIS dataset and apple OHLC dataset for creating various examples.

  • IRIS Dataset: It has information about the measurement of three different types of IRIS flowers. The dataset is easily available from scikit-learn.
  • Apple OHLC Dataset: It has information about apple OHLC price data from Apr 2019 - Mar 2020.

We'll be loading both datasets as pandas dataframe.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()

iris_df = pd.DataFrame(data=iris.data, columns=iris.feature_names)
iris_df["FlowerType"] = iris.target #[iris.target_names[t] for t in iris.target]

sepal length (cm) sepal width (cm) petal length (cm) petal width (cm) FlowerType
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 0
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 0
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 0
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 0
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 0
apple_df = pd.read_csv("datasets/AAPL.csv", parse_dates=["Date"])

Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
0 2019-04-05 196.449997 197.100006 195.929993 197.000000 194.454758 18526600
1 2019-04-08 196.419998 200.229996 196.339996 200.100006 197.514709 25881700
2 2019-04-09 200.320007 202.850006 199.229996 199.500000 196.922470 35768200
3 2019-04-10 198.679993 200.740005 198.179993 200.619995 198.027985 21695300
4 2019-04-11 200.850006 201.000000 198.440002 198.949997 196.379578 20900800

Example 1

The first example that we'll use to demonstrate linking between bqplot and ipywidgets consists of scatter plot and dropdowns. We have created a method named create_scatter() which takes two string parameters specifying two features of the IRIS flowers dataset. IRIS flowers dataset has four features (sepal width, sepal length, petal width, and petal length) in total. We can repeatedly call this method with different feature combinations and it'll generate a bqplot scatter plot for these parameters.

def create_scatter(feature1, feature2):
    fig = plt.figure(title="%s vs %s Relation"%(feature1.capitalize(), feature2.capitalize()))

    scat = plt.scatter(x=iris_df[feature1],



The easiest way to convert any function into interactive UI with widgets is by passing that function to the interact() method of ipywidgets. We have passed create_scatter function to interact() as well as list of possible values for two-parameter (feature1, feature2) of function. The interact() function will automatically create two dropdowns for two parameters and also generate UI consisting of widgets and a scatter plot.

widgets.interact(create_scatter, feature1=iris.feature_names, feature2=iris.feature_names);

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Example 2

Our second example is the same as the previous example with only a change in the way we are using interact(). In this example, we have put interact() function as decorator around our original create_scatter() function. It'll work exactly the same like the previous example.

@widgets.interact(feature1=iris.feature_names, feature2=iris.feature_names)
def create_scatter(feature1, feature2):
    fig = plt.figure(title="%s vs %s Relation"%(feature1.capitalize(), feature2.capitalize()))

    scat = plt.scatter(x=iris_df[feature1],



How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Example 3

Our third example is almost the same as our previous two examples with only a change in the ways widgets are laid out. The interact() method used in the previous example does not let us design UI and prepares layout by itself. In many situations, we need to design UI by ourself and need to layout widgets and charts according to our need.

The ipywidgets provide another method named interactive_output which can be used for that purpose. Below we have again declared the create_scatter() method like previous examples.

def create_scatter(feature1, feature2):
    fig = plt.figure(title="%s vs %s Relation"%(feature1.capitalize(), feature2.capitalize()))

    scat = plt.scatter(x=iris_df[feature1],



We have then created two dropdowns using ipywidgets with options as four features of IRIS flowers.

feature1_drop = widgets.Dropdown(options=iris.feature_names, value = iris.feature_names[0])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

feature2_drop = widgets.Dropdown(options=iris.feature_names, value = iris.feature_names[1])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Below we have called the interactive_output function passing it create_scatter function and dictionary of mapping from function parameter names and widgets. The output of the interactive_output function is not a figure but its ipywidgets Output widget. We can now use this widget and merge it with other dropdown widgets to create full UI.

out = widgets.interactive_output(create_scatter, {'feature1': feature1_drop, 'feature2':feature2_drop})

Below we have created first UI using ipywidgets. We have laid out two dropdowns horizontally using HBox() constructor of ipywidgets. We have then laid out dropdowns and output widget from previous cell vertically using VBox() constructor of ipywidgets.

If you are interested in learning about various ways to layout widgets using ipywidgets then we suggest that you go through out tutorial on ipywidgets.

widgets.VBox([widgets.HBox([feature1_drop, feature2_drop]), out])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Example 4

The fourth example consists of a multi-select and line chart. We'll be plotting line chart for each price type (Open, High, Low & Close) of apple data.

We have first designed multi-select using ipywidgets with four options. The Open option will be selected by default.

multi_select = widgets.SelectMultiple(options=["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"], value=["Open",])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Below we have created a bqplot line chart for the Open price of apple data.

fig = plt.figure(title="Line Chart for Apple Prices")

line_chart = plt.plot(x=apple_df["Date"], y=apple_df["Open"])

plt.ylabel("Price ($)")

We have then created the change_line_chart callback function which will be called each time change in the state of multi-select happens. Whenever any values are selected/de-selected change_line_chart function will be called passing it a dictionary of new selected values as well as old selected values. In order for this callback function to be called each time change in the state of the multi-select widget happens, we have registered callback with the widget by using the observe() method. We have called the observe() method on the widget passing it a callback function reference and list of attributes of the widget to monitor as a list to names parameter.

The change_line_chart function simple changes y attribute data of line chart and as bqplot is also based on ipywidgets internally, it'll update the chart immediately as we change data.

def change_line_chart(selected_vals):
    line_chart.y = [apple_df[val] for val in selected_vals["new"]]

multi_select.observe(change_line_chart, names="value")

Below we have created a simple UI using multi-select and fig object. We can now try various combinations of values from multi-select and it'll update the chart accordingly.

widgets.VBox([multi_select, fig])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Example 5

Our fifth example consists of a slider widget and scatter chart from example 1. We'll be using the slider in this example to limit the number of points that will be displayed on a scatter plot. This can be useful when you have a lot of data points and you want to randomly sample a few to see the relation.

Below we have created a slider widget with a default value of 50 with min and max values of 0 and 150 respectively. This means that the chart will display 50 points by default and a maximum of 150 (no of samples in the dataset).

slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=50, min=1, max=iris_df.shape[0])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

fig = plt.figure(title="sepal length (cm) vs petal length (cm) Relation")

scat = plt.scatter(x=iris_df[:50]['sepal length (cm)'],
                   y=iris_df[:50]['petal length (cm)'],                  )

plt.xlabel("sepal length (cm)".capitalize())
plt.ylabel("petal length (cm)".capitalize())

Below we have created the change_scatter_chart callback function which will update the chart each time the slider value changes. We'll get a new number from the slider and that many points will be displayed on the chart. We have registered callback with the widget as explained earlier.

def change_scatter_chart(selected_vals):
    samples = selected_vals["new"]
    scat.x = iris_df[:samples]['sepal length (cm)']
    scat.y = iris_df[:samples]['petal length (cm)']

slider.observe(change_scatter_chart, names="value")

Below we have created simple UI where we are laying out the slider and scatter chart vertically. We have also introduced a label widget which is added before the slider in UI.

slider_label = widgets.Label("No. Of Samples to Visualize")
slider_comp = widgets.HBox([slider_label, slider])
widgets.VBox([slider_comp, fig])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Example 6

Our sixth example works as a simple animation. We'll be plotting a bar chart showing OHLC prices of apple data for Jan-2020 for each day. We'll be pausing for half a second between each day for plotting a bar chart. We'll be using the button widget to start a simple animation.

Below we have filtered the original apple dataframe and have kept data for Jan-2020 in a new dataframe.

apple_jan = apple_df.set_index("Date")["2020-01"]
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2020-01-02 296.239990 300.600006 295.190002 300.350006 299.638885 33870100
2020-01-03 297.149994 300.579987 296.500000 297.429993 296.725769 36580700
2020-01-06 293.790009 299.959991 292.750000 299.799988 299.090149 29596800
2020-01-07 299.839996 300.899994 297.480011 298.390015 297.683533 27218000
2020-01-08 297.160004 304.440002 297.160004 303.190002 302.472137 33019800
2020-01-09 307.239990 310.429993 306.200012 309.630005 308.896912 42527100
2020-01-10 310.600006 312.670013 308.250000 310.329987 309.595215 35161200
2020-01-13 311.640015 317.070007 311.149994 316.959991 316.209534 30383000
2020-01-14 316.700012 317.570007 312.170013 312.679993 311.939667 40488600
2020-01-15 311.850006 315.500000 309.549988 311.339996 310.602844 30480900
2020-01-16 313.589996 315.700012 312.089996 315.239990 314.493591 27207300
2020-01-17 316.269989 318.739990 315.000000 318.730011 317.975372 34454100
2020-01-21 317.190002 319.019989 316.000000 316.570007 315.820465 27710800
2020-01-22 318.579987 319.989990 317.309998 317.700012 316.947815 25458100
2020-01-23 317.920013 319.559998 315.649994 319.230011 318.474182 26118000
2020-01-24 320.250000 323.329987 317.519989 318.309998 317.556335 36634400
2020-01-27 310.059998 311.769989 304.880005 308.950012 308.218506 40485000
2020-01-28 312.600006 318.399994 312.190002 317.690002 316.937805 40558500
2020-01-29 324.450012 327.850006 321.380005 324.339996 323.572052 54057300
2020-01-30 320.540009 324.089996 318.750000 323.869995 323.103180 31685800
2020-01-31 320.929993 322.679993 308.290009 309.510010 308.777191 49897100

Below we have included logic for plotting bar chart for apple OHLC prices for the first day of January.

fig = plt.figure(title="Apple Jan-2020 OHLC Price",
                 fig_margin= dict(top=60, bottom=40, left=60, right=70),
                 background_style = {"fill":"gray"})


bar_chart = plt.bar(x=["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"],
                     y=apple_jan.loc["2020-01-02"][["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"]],
                     colors=["tomato", "dodgerblue", "lime", "orange"],
                     stroke_width=1.5, stroke="black", padding=0.2,
                     label_display=True, label_display_vertical_offset=-20,
                     label_font_style={"font-weight":"bold", "font-size":"15px", "fill": "white"},
                     restrict_y=(0, 400))

plt.xlabel("Price Type")
plt.ylabel("Price ($)")

We have then created button and label widgets which will be used in the final UI. The animation will start when the button is clicked and the label will be updated with a new date each time the date changes.

button = widgets.Button(description="Start Animation", button_style="success", icon="play")

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

label = widgets.HTML("<h2>2020-01-02</h2>")

Below we have defined a simple callback function which will loop through each day of January-2020 and filter the dataframe to get the OHLC price for that day. It'll then update the chart with these new values. The loop will stop for half a second between each iteration. We have registered callback using the on_click() method of the button widget.

def update_bar_chart(val):
    import time
    for dt in apple_jan.index:
        bar_chart.y = apple_jan.loc[dt][["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"]]
        label.value = "<h2>"+str(dt.date())+"</h2>"


Our final UI consist of a button label and chart. As soon as we click on the button, it'll start updating the chart with new values pausing half a second between each iteration. It'll also update the label with a date for which values are displayed in a bar chart.

widgets.HBox([widgets.VBox([button, label]), fig])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Example 7

The seventh example that we'll use for explanation consist of a candlestick chart and dropdown. Our apple OHLC dataset has data from Apr-2019 to Mar 2020. We'll be creating a dropdown which will let us select one month at a time from the dataset.

Below we have created a dropdown that will let us select month and year combinations for which OHLC data is available in the dataframe.

year_months_idx = list(zip([2019,]*9 + [2020]*3,[ 4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12,  1,  2,  3]))
year_months_names = list(zip([2019,]*9 + [2020]*3,['April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
                                                   'November', 'December', 'January', 'February', 'March']))

month_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(zip(year_months_names, year_months_idx)), value=year_months_idx[0])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

Below we have created a candlestick chart for Apr-2020 using bqplot. We'll be updating this figure wherever change in dropdown happens to see candlestick chart for some other month.

fig = plt.figure(title="Apple CandleStick Chart",
                 fig_margin= dict(top=60, bottom=40, left=60, right=70),
                 background_style = {"fill":"lightgray"})

candle_stick = plt.ohlc(x=apple_df.set_index("Date")["2019-04"].index,
                        y=apple_df.set_index("Date")["2019-04"][["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"]],
                        stroke_width=1.5, stroke="black", padding=0.2,
                        label_display=True, label_display_vertical_offset=-20,
                        label_font_style={"font-weight":"bold", "font-size":"15px", "fill": "white"},


Below we have created a callback function which will be called each time someone selects a different values in the dropdown. We are taking new values from the dictionary and updating the candlestick chart with that selection. We have registered a callback function with the widget as explained earlier.

def update_candle_stick(year_month):
    dt = "%d-%d"%(year_month["new"][0], year_month["new"][1])
    temp_df = apple_df.set_index("Date")[dt]
    candle_stick.x = temp_df.index
    candle_stick.y = temp_df[["Open", "High", "Low", "Close"]]

month_dropdown.observe(update_candle_stick, names=["value"])
widgets.VBox([month_dropdown, fig])

How to link ipywidgets widget with bqplot chart to dynamically update charts?

This ends our small tutorial explaining how to connect ipywidget widgets with a bpplot chart to create interactive charts. Please feel free to let us know your views in the comments section.


Sunny Solanki  Sunny Solanki

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