Text Generation is an area of natural language processing (NLP) where we train models on the existing corpus of data and then generate new data. The models used for text generation tasks as generally referred to as language models. The language models are commonly used for tasks like conversational systems (chatbots), text summarization, text translation, etc. With the rise of deep learning, language models are created as deep neural networks. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are generally preferred to create language models for text generation tasks. The RNNs and their variants (LSTM, GRU, etc) are quite good at remembering sequences in data. They take into consideration previously seen examples to make predictions for the current. This approach makes them a better choice for text generation as we want the model to take into consideration previous words/characters when making predictions of the next word/character.
As a part of this tutorial, we have explained how to create Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) consisting of LSTM layers for text generation tasks using Python deep learning library Keras. We have used character-based approach for text generation where our model takes a specified number of words as input and predicts the next character that it thinks should come after them. To encode text data to real-valued data for the network, we have used word embeddings approach where we assign a real-valued vector of specified length to each unique character of the corpus. For training purposes, we have used Wikipedia article dataset available from torchtext library. We have another tutorial on text generation using Keras which does not use character embeddings and is based on only a bag of words. Please feel free to check it from the below link.
Below, we have listed important sections of tutorial to give an overview of the material covered in it.
Below, we have imported the necessary libraries that we have used in our tutorial and printed their versions as well.
import tensorflow
from tensorflow import keras
print("Keras Version : {}".format(keras.__version__))
import torchtext
print("TorchText Version : {}".format(torchtext.__version__))
import gc
In this section, we are preparing data to be given to the neural network for processing. As we said earlier, we'll use character-based approach for text generation which means that we'll give a specified number of characters to the neural network and make it predict the next character after them. We have decided that we'll give 100 characters sequence to network and make it predict the next character after them. For encoding characters, we'll use character embeddings approach. Below, we have listed steps in short that we'll follow to prepare data.
In short, we'll first transform data from text to integer index and then retrieve embeddings for the characters using those indexes. Steps 1-4 will be performed in this section whereas steps will be implemented in the neural network as an embedding layer. We'll update those character embeddings during the training process so that they are learned. Steps will become more clear as we implement them below one by one.
Below, we have included an image for word embeddings which is the same as character embeddings with the only difference being that words are considered tokens instead of characters. It'll give you an idea about embeddings. Embeddings give more representation power to tokens (character/n-gram/word).
In this section, we have loaded Wikipedia dataset that we are going to use for our task. The dataset has a bunch of well-curated Wikipedia articles. The dataset is already divided into the train, validation, and test sets. We'll be using a training dataset for our case.
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = torchtext.datasets.WikiText2()
X_train_text = [text for text in train_dataset]
In this section, we have populated the vocabulary of unique characters. In order to populate vocabulary, we have created an instance of Tokenizer available from preprocessing.text module of keras. We have set parameter char_level to True to inform the tokenizer to take characters as tokens. By default, it splits text into words. After defining the tokenizer, we have called fit_on_texts() method on the tokenizer with text examples to populate the vocabulary of unique characters. The vocabulary is available through word_index attribute of the tokenizer object.
After populating vocabulary, we have also printed it for reference purposes.
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
tokenizer = Tokenizer(char_level=True)
In this section, we are readying data for the network. The code loops through the sequence of text examples and move a window of 100 characters through them, adding 100 characters in data features (X_train) and a character after them in target values (Y_train).
Please make a NOTE that we have used fewer text examples for training purposes. The dataset has ~36k text examples and using all of them can take a lot of time.
After organizing data into data features (X_train) and target values (Y_train), we have retrieved the index of characters present in them using populated vocabulary. This index sequences now represents characters and will be given to the network for the training process.
Below, we have explained the data preparation process with a simple example.
vocab = {
' ':5,
text_example = "Hello, How are you? Welcome to coderzcolumn?"
seq_length = 10
X_train = [
['h','e','l','l','o',',',' ', 'h','o','w'],
[,'e','l','l','o',',',' ', 'h','o','w',' '],
['l','l','o',',',' ', 'h','o','w', ' ', 'a'],
['l','o',',',' ', 'h','o','w',' ', 'a', 'r'],
['d','e','r','z','c','o','l', 'u','m','n']
Y_train = ['e','l','l','o',',',' ', 'h','o','w',' ',..., '?']
X_train_vectorized = [
Y_train_vectorized = [1,2,3,4,5,6,1,4,7,5,1,...., 12]
import numpy as np
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = torchtext.datasets.WikiText2()
seq_length = 100 ## Network Hyperparameter to tune
X_train, Y_train = [], []
for text in X_train_text[:6000]:## Using few text examples
for i in range(0, len(text)-seq_length):
inp_seq = text[i:i+seq_length].lower()
out_seq = text[i+seq_length].lower()
Y_train.append(tokenizer.word_index[out_seq]) ## Retrieve index for characters from vocabulary
X_train = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(X_train) ## Retrieve index for characters from vocabulary
X_train, Y_train = np.array(X_train, dtype=np.int32), np.array(Y_train)
X_train.shape, Y_train.shape
In this section, we have defined a model that we'll use for our task. Our task will be considered a classification task as we are predicting one new character from a list of possible vocabulary characters. The network consists of 4 layers.
The first layer of the network is the embedding layer. We have created a layer using Embedding() constructor. We have provided vocabulary length as the input dimension and embedding length of 50 as the output dimension. This will create a weight matrix of shape (vocab_len, embed_len). This weight matrix has embeddings for each character of the vocabulary. We have already retrieved the index of characters from vocabulary which will be used to index this array to retrieve the embedding of characters. E.g, If index of character 'a' is 1 then weight_matrix[1] will return real-valued vector of shape (embed_len,) = (50,) representing embedding of character 'a'. The input shape to the layer is (batch_size, seq_length) and output data shape is (batch_size, seq_length, embed_len). This output will be given to the first LSTM layer for processing.
The first LSTM layer has 256 output units. It'll process the output of the embedding layer and output processed data of shape (batch_size, seq_length, 256). This output will be given to the second LSTM layer for the processing which will process it and output processed data of shape (batch_size, 256). The second LSTM layer does return the output of all processed sequences because we have not set return_sequences to True. It'll return an output of the last sequence (100th) for each example.
The output of the second LSTM layer is given to a dense layer for processing. The dense layer has the same output units as the length of vocabulary. The softmax activation function is applied to the output of the dense layer to convert them to probabilities.
After initializing the network, we have also printed a summary stating network layer output shapes and parameter counts.
Please make a NOTE that we have not covered embeddings and LSTM layer in deep here. If you are interested to learn about them then please check the below links. They cover topics in little detail for text classification tasks.
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import LSTM, Dense, Embedding
embed_len = 50
lstm_out = 256
model = Sequential([
Embedding(input_dim=len(tokenizer.word_index)+1, output_dim=embed_len,
LSTM(lstm_out, return_sequences=True),
Dense(len(tokenizer.word_index)+1, activation="softmax")
Here, we have first compiled our network to use Adam optimizer and cross entropy loss. After compiling the network, we have trained it for 50 epochs. We have used a batch size of 1024 during training. We can notice from the loss value getting printed after each epoch that our network seems to be doing a good job at the task.
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras import backend as K
model.compile(optimizer=Adam(learning_rate=0.001), loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy")
model.fit(X_train, Y_train, batch_size=1024, epochs=50)
In this section, we are generating new text using our trained network. We are starting with randomly selecting an example from our dataset. After selecting an example, we have also printed the characters of the example. Then, we executed a loop 100 times to generate 100 new characters. The first iteration of the loop will start with characters of a randomly selected example. It'll then generate a new character, add it at the end of the selected example and remove the first character from the example to keep the length of sequence 100 characters. This process will be repeated for all iterations where we add a new character at the end and remove an existing first character. After generating 100 new characters, we have also printed them.
We can notice from the results that the network is able to spell words correctly and is also forming sentences. It is also generating punctuation marks. Though the sentences generated does not make much sense but it looks like English language sentence.
import random
idx = random.randint(0, len(X_train))
pattern = X_train[idx].flatten().tolist()
print("Initial Pattern : {}".format("".join([tokenizer.index_word[idx] for idx in pattern])))
generated_text = []
for i in range(100):
X_batch = np.array(pattern, dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, seq_length) ## Design Batch
preds = model.predict(X_batch) ## Make Prediction
predicted_index = preds.argmax(axis=-1)[0] ## Retrieve token index
generated_text.append(predicted_index) ## Add token index to result
pattern.append(predicted_index) ## Add token index to original pattern
pattern = pattern[1:] ## Resize pattern to bring again to seq_length length.
print("Generated Text : {}".format("".join([tokenizer.index_word[idx] for idx in generated_text])))
In this section, we are training the network for another 50 epochs. We have set the learning rate to 0.0003 for training epochs. We can notice from the loss value getting printed after epochs that the network seems to be improving further.
K.set_value(model.optimizer.learning_rate, 0.0003)
model.fit(X_train, Y_train, batch_size=1024, epochs=50)
In this section, we have again generated 100 new characters using our more trained network. Our network is now trained for a total of 100 epochs. We have started with the same example that we used earlier. We can notice from the results that our network is generating new words this time. Though it seems to be repeating some words. We'll train it further for more epochs to see whether it helps improve further.
import random
idx = random.randint(0, len(X_train))
pattern = X_train[idx].flatten().tolist()
print("Initial Pattern : {}".format("".join([tokenizer.index_word[idx] for idx in pattern])))
generated_text = []
for i in range(100):
X_batch = np.array(pattern, dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, seq_length) ## Design Batch
preds = model.predict(X_batch) ## Make Prediction
predicted_index = preds.argmax(axis=-1)[0] ## Retrieve token index
generated_text.append(predicted_index) ## Add token index to result
pattern.append(predicted_index) ## Add token index to original pattern
pattern = pattern[1:] ## Resize pattern to bring again to seq_length length.
print("Generated Text : {}".format("".join([tokenizer.index_word[idx] for idx in generated_text])))
In this section, we have reduced the learning rate to 0.0001 and trained the network for another 50 epochs. We can notice that loss is reducing further after each epoch which hints that the network is improving further.
K.set_value(model.optimizer.learning_rate, 0.0001)
model.fit(X_train, Y_train, batch_size=1024, epochs=50)
In this section, we have again generated new 100 characters using our trained network. We can notice from the results that the network is able to generate English words correctly. It has generated a new-line character as well this time. Next, we'll give some suggestions on how to improve network performance further.
import random
idx = random.randint(0, len(X_train))
pattern = X_train[idx].flatten().tolist()
print("Initial Pattern : {}".format("".join([tokenizer.index_word[idx] for idx in pattern])))
generated_text = []
for i in range(100):
X_batch = np.array(pattern, dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, seq_length) ## Design Batch
preds = model.predict(X_batch) ## Make Prediction
predicted_index = preds.argmax(axis=-1)[0] ## Retrieve token index
generated_text.append(predicted_index) ## Add token index to result
pattern.append(predicted_index) ## Add token index to original pattern
pattern = pattern[1:] ## Resize pattern to bring again to seq_length length.
print("Generated Text : {}".format("".join([tokenizer.index_word[idx] for idx in generated_text])))
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