Till now, you have come across all the tools and applications for blogging are for hosting and searching for the right topics (Part 1). But the next set of tools you will gain knowledge about are used for blog writing. So let’s get started!
You have already known how to identify the keywords for the blog and use them strategically to enhance the website traffic. With the help of the blog writing tools, you will know how to write perfect blogs. Moreover, you will know how to strategically place the keywords to drive traffic. Through the blog writing tools, you will get to know and learn the blog writing styles.
The best features offered by the blog writing tools are that you can optimize your headlines, strike the right tone and style for your blog, and ensure your content is free of grammar and spelling mistakes.
Blog Ideas Generator can be used by beginners as well as expert bloggers. Even digital marketers/content marketers have found this tool quite useful for getting trend blog ideas. If you do not want to use the tool regularly, you can use it occasionally. This tool is helpful when you are running out of ideas while writing a blog. You can keep the tool bookmarked for later use.
This tool is beneficial for bloggers, content marketers and many more. You can use this tool along with the HubSpot tool to enhance the quality of your content. Just use the tool and build your content calendar today!
Have you ever heard of the EMV Headline Analyzer. This is quite a useful tool but not many bloggers are aware of it? The tool is helpful for bloggers to calculate the emotional marketing value of headlines.
What do bloggers want? The very thing that bloggers are looking forward to is a “Catchy Headline” When you have a catchy headline, it becomes easier to create a good post.
If you want to
Reach out to CoderzColumn's digital marketer Dolly Solanki (dollyborade07@gmail.com). We can help you get a better ranking for your website.