Have you come across clients who want you to rank for like 100 keywords at a time?
Sounds familiar, isn’t it? It is true and trust me you are not the only one who is facing this challenge.
As digital marketing specialists or SEO analysts, many of us are expected to deliver high results within a month. People want their websites to get on the first page as you start working for them.
So, you jump on to the keyword research process, get keyword volumes, average conversion rate of those keywords and wwwhhhaaattt nott. Sometimes, you are tempted to follow unethical pathways just to get the results.
Do you think it’s going to work in the long run?
Even after breaking your head again and again.
If you don’t show results, clients don't like it.
Moreover, it becomes difficult to gain the client's trust in your work.
The underlying pain point is even you don’t want to lose out on a client.
Yep, I was in the similar situation while doing SEO or digital marketing for my own website. Therefore, I said, Keyword research process is a scam.
You must be thinking that there has to be a solution for it
Well, good news is. There is a simple solution to it. No fancy words or complex technicalities. Just tweak your approach a bit.
Suppose your client is showering you with hundreds of keywords. Here is what you need to do.
Categorise them. The website must be having services, products, blogs, news and various other elements.
You need to separate the given keywords into different categories.
Look at the example:
This is the list of given keywords.
Here you can see multiple services on the website, right.
Now, you need to segregate the given keywords into different categories. Here I have done it for you.
Now you can consider them your focus keywords.
Still, you can see more than 10 keywords in each category. Are you going to work on them all at once? Well, you can. But you will be wasting your time. Because then your SEO process or activities will focus on all the keywords simultaneously and the effectiveness will split.
As A Result, you won’t receive fruitful data for any keyword. This leads us to our second step.
NOTE: Make sure you are using the relevant keywords, and not random. It is essential to get the right analysis for other steps.
Our second step is to form a set of 4 relevant keywords from the categorised set. For this, you can take help of Google Keyword Planner, Ahref, or SEMRUSH. With these you can get an idea which keywords would be best for the website ranking.
You can check out different parameters of these online tools to select the best 4 keywords. For example, we will use SEMRUSH to get some useful data. Add the set of 10+ keywords here, and the country that you want to target. If you have a premium SEMRUSH account, you can fill up the other two fields as well.
Now, you can see the set of 5 to 6 Keywords that are most essential for the specific category.
Click on each keyword to dive deep and understand the analysis. Here you can see the global data, competitive usage of the keywords and more.
Your focus should be on Keyword Variations, Questions, and Keyword Strategy. This will give you idea whether this keyword would be good for the website or not.
If yes, you can check out what strategy to follow or how to use the keyword to reap full benefits. This is just an overview. I know, you are a great digital marketer and smart enough to work out the strategy.
Important thing is to choose the 4 most effective keywords from this set.
We are done with our second step.
Let’s move on.
Also Read E-commerce Website Ranking With Focus Keywords Approach
Once you get the set of 3 to 4 keywords. Plan out your SEO on-page, off-page, and social media activities around these keywords.
In simple words, with this approach, you will be focusing on 1 Service or Product with 3 to 4 main keywords.
Although, now you can generate some variations of the selected keywords and use them alternatively while performing off-page activities, on-page activities, blogs writing, newsletter generation, sending out mails, and social media activities.
You need to put your head down and follow up with rigorous SEO functionalities for the above keywords - service or product for at least 15 days.
After 15 days, track the website progress, like increase in number of visitors, backlinks generated and more.
When you are focusing all your efforts on one goal, it becomes easier to get results. Within 15 days, you can show some high quality ranking results to the client and gain their trust. It shows that your efforts are in the right direction. You can also keep a sheet where you can add all the analyzed data and monitor them frequently.
You can follow up the same steps for other service pages, product pages and even blog sections. Let me know if you are facing any challenges with this approach. I’ll help you with it.
Till Then, STAY TUNED To CoderzColumn.
If you want to
Reach out to CoderzColumn's digital marketer Dolly Solanki (dollyborade07@gmail.com). We can help you get a better ranking for your website.